I write magazine articles, television shows and nature/science books for children and adults. My newest children's book is SPIT: What's Cool About Drool (Firefly Books), about the amazing fluid in our mouth that helps us digest food, swallow, and talk. My most recent adult book is an e-Book, HOW TO HAVE SEX IF YOU'RE NOT HUMAN: INTIMATE JOURNEYS IN NATURAL HISTORY. My adult book, SEXUAL STRATEGIES: HOW FEMALES CHOOSE THEIR MATES, has an updated edition through the Authors Guild Back in Print program with iUniverse.com.
Sexual Strategies: How Females Choosse Their Mates is about the powerful role that females -- from fruit flies to humans -- play in evolution.
Aliens From Earth
About invasive species. Winner 2006 Izaak Walton League of America Conservation Book of the Year Award. Selected by New York City Public Schools for 4th grade science requirement in study of ecosystems. Peachtree Publishers.